Vídeo clip do CD- Levanta Elias. Música:  “Levanta Elias- Em Inglês”. Convento do Carmo da Bela Vista, São Paulo. 14 de julho-2016. DIVULGAÇÃO: www.olharjornalistisco.com.br

 Rise up Elisah. (Levanta Elias).

Frei Petrônio de Miranda, O. Carm.

Intepretação: Ledjane Motta


Rise up Elisah,

Rise up it´s time to walk

Rise up Elisah,

Rise up it´s time time to evangelize


1- In the fire and huricante

God is with you

In the light wind the

Is always gonna get through

Elisah, frow the fire and the sword

We are going to walk with you

And with mercy eyes,

Lord comes to bless you


2- It´s not enough to speak about

The holy one, we must beleive

In life´s darkest nights

The Lord comes to lighten

On Carmelo mountain you fought

And Lord came to defend you

And now Elizah when in pain

He comes to protect you


3- and the poor wind

With hunger and a dyng son

God of the prophet Elisah

Comes  very soon to help us.

On the swing of the light wind

We found the strength to walk

Teach us Elisah

In life peregrinate


4- Looking the suffering people

Without hope and value

Show us prophet Elisah the Lords lloud

All time of prophets knew how

To propagate god´s word

On Carmelo mountain

We will meet with chirst.